Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pain Driven

If you care to realized that this whole blog is kind of dark and very EMO. Most of the rhyme I wrote is based on sorrowness of emotion that I gone through all my life. But I’m not always like that (I hope). Outside I’m just living my everyday life to the fullest. It just that I get my inspiration to write rhyme or blog bout things that really twick somewhere in my heart. That’s why I don’t go blog everyday. To me it’s not an everyday journal. It’s just a mini diary of frustration.

Cautions: reading this blog might move your current state of emotion.
Please be aware that readers is at own risk towards to any gloomy day after reading it.
Creator of this blog won’t be held responsible to any suicidal attempt.

It seems that Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 can only write great lyric when he is very down. He even made a pack with his wife that to make him angry at least once every month. Well that is what I heard. But it works for him. Song such as Push, Lonely no more, 3am (for his mum who suffering cancer) n etc. Those are straight up deep untapped emotion. It is simply brilliant.

I just finish updating my book of rhyme recently. 63 rhyme till "Intruder of the Heart". This collectable memorabilia go back to the 1st rhyme “Glow No More” somewhere 2004. Not including the recent 2 down here. A day before those two rhymes was made, I bump my head towards the drawer sharp edge. And yeah it was Edgar’s fault as always. On the day of writing it, he even offers to hit my hand with a 3lbs dumbbell. As he heard that I need to be mad to write rhyme. No thanks man. But it seems that this month alone I got plenty of original rhyme. Business must be “good”. Pure or Sky. hrmmmmm….


Anonymous said...

Someone left me a nasty and vile text msg last night. Claims that I'm kind and nice but spineless. Claims that I'm a follower of opinions generated by others and have no beliefs of my own.

I wanted to curl up and die and especially so because I've had a very bad day and was still in shock and that coming from the 1 person who's got enough of me to break my heart..but guess what..? I don't care anymore.

Your blogs comforts me like a hot soulful cup of tea on a stormy day. always call me an ice princess but this one appreciates your work.

So keep it up..I need an outlet for all the haters in my Life and you're my soulfood. =)

Anonymous said...

wateverman at least it help..
nice to know i did a helping hand

Anonymous said...

Yeah..u helped knock his poor head against the god knoes wat.. LOL