Monday, March 2, 2009

Are you ENJOYS...?!

Arghhhhhhahahhaaa... I had a great laugh listening to the MC saying such word on the mic. Well at least you are trying so much to talk in English. Hihihihhhh……. But its kinda sad and rather embarrassing to announce bilingually in a big function where the public can hear you… I was having training that particular time. Cant stop laughing.

After that I went to the loo. Surprisingly the setup have change completely. The setting looks like the rest room in Chambers of secret a harry potter movie. I was impress I stare for a while.kewl eh salah salah. AWESOMEEE…...!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh hey..tat really looks like the girls' toilet in HP..where that ghost live..what's her name again.. ooo..! Moaning Myrtle!! =)