Monday, December 1, 2008

0.2 only??

First it was 5sec. now this.? I don’t know why with all these numbers lately. But it hit me all the time.. hrmmmm… hey yall… just finish my first month at my brand new work. new environment for me actually. Rather I try to fit in, I rather be myself. No point fitting in and playing along. Abide the rule and yet stay true to yourself. I must say it’s a change of scenery, crowd, mentality and hours. Its totally vigorous I tell yah. Yeah we do have break n stuff. But then we sometimes will be in the gym like the whole daylong. Including session with clients. Yeay I got my first client on my first month. Phew… month I’m going all out….hope its all good. On the way to grab the rookie of the month title…gagagagaaaa…

Early this month , I did my body composition on tanita.. no she is not human. Its a machine call the tanita. I got my first reading. 2days ago I did it again. Apparently I increase 0.2 kg of fat, 0.2 kg or muscle and 0.7kg of water. Grrrr…… yeah people, im trying to gain weight. Muscle bulk at least. But fat comes along the way….waaaa……but im staying all natural. No creatine, no protein shake and such. Don’t want to ruin any of my internal organs..

Our club is kinda small actually. But then, its so kewl.. the bwest place for me is the cycling studio. Fuhyoooo…..! I hate to cycle and some of the cyclist.(bahahhaa…don’t ask why).. but then the cycling studio has glow in the dark light…kewl since our uniform is white, its kinda reflecting towards the light. Totally amazed by it… sedyeh kan…? Bahhahahhaa.. bia larr lantak..

Im flat out from all of this ish..but manage to enjoy it along the way. With all the SHC, the weight, the free flow of fruit tea (I’m addicted to it). So far its been fun. But im staying in touch with love of my life. I mish bowling. But they treated me badly.. afternoon shift next week. Im gonna mish the morning crowd though. But further more I mish the crew, and all of my adek2…

“its hard to tell, if you ever come again…..
its hard cuz you dont come around anymore.
hope that you found what ever is you looking for”

-these streets-

I surely hope so…

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