A friend once said:
I almost forget how complicated you can be.
One of my adek told me:
Pekak telinge adk, you laugh so loud. Annoying giler.
My mum constantly said:
Why do you have to be so sensitive? Asyik kecik hati jer..
Big bosh told me off:
your so uptight..? chill and lay back.
A ‘stranger’ yell to me:
I’m loser?! (while reading my t-shirt) owh, I’m lost….
A junior bowler tembak once:
Muker jer ganaz. Skali senyum it’ll say otherwise
Peoples and their point of view. I wouldn’t care less. As long as it makes me happy, It couldn’t be that bad. Here the other side of the remarks
Family friend compliment:
nice t-shirt jaa, you’ll always have those authentic type of design.
The worrying adek once said:
if there would be one thing that makes you standout from the rest, it would be your “caringnesssss”
A fellow blogger comment:
There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye.
Luv would say:
Budak pink…!
Hahahaaaa….. lawaks lak to reminisce all those conversation and memories. Maybe their right or maybe they aren’t. it's individual point of perception.
luv once told me,
"that's is who you are.if they cant deal with that, they don't know what they are missing"
answering to a request of some people who wants me to change.
perfection makes you an angel, imperfections makes you human..
muka ganas hati pink la....=p
a'ah lah... luperrr...
chup2... how you know..?
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