I was so pump up and was looking forward to it. Believe me, I’m very competitive. To the extend that I am in my own world. All I had was a pair of worn out jeans, long sleeves and camouflage shirt. It’s been a while, so my aiming might be a bit rusty. Manage to hit a lot of people. We got two lives that game, and could be recharge every time your hit. Was killed twice by a true sniper. Hid got me inbewteen the eyes twice. Argghh….! But I did manage to ark her right around the thorax region. The first two rounds were really tough. As the obstacle course was really open from 1 bunker to other.
The last round gives you unlimited lives and chance to go for the flag. We got the low based advantage. At first people always say that if you are at a higher ground its better. For defense, yeah of cause. But for assault, its better to go from below. Just that you got to be fast and lay low. Tried to catch the flag twice. Did get my hand and raised it up. Got shot down the first try. But don’t know bout the second one.
All around it was fantastic. We got souvenirs for participating. I got 1 on my abs, biceps, clavicle, both of my lattisimus dorsi and the biggest one at my neck. That hurts a lot…! All in total, 9 shots. Not including the two on my head. Than god for the face mask. and my girl who was in my team did shot me at the arms. i was like, im ur team girl. ...! hadoi2... excited sgt lah tuh. gian menembak je. huhuhu..
Back in the days, we always had this commando game. We had a jungle up behind our school. Being in an all boys school is a test of braveness. We had to wrestle our senior in a one on one combat in the jungle, just to capture as much enemies. So cut, bruises and dislocation was really common among us. It’s a scar of pride. Miss those days.
sowie kene tembak=p was too excited i guess hehe..alia pon kene gk..de others dh gile nk maen lg..jom 2nd round..dis time i try not to tembak u k hehe
try not to? owkay, i trust you.
i got 9 shots and a sprain ankle.
still standing...hahhaaaa....
game on
hhaaaha..ya rite...
ape2 pun..i'm pain free...
but never ever try to shoot me huh...i'll kill both of u...=pp
giler bowink tak kener tembak...takder feel larr kecik...
hahhahaaaa..... lebam baru nak reder...
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