Thursday, June 4, 2009


I’m never going to understand you at all. Your level of unpredictability is so massive that only God can figure you out. I did what you told. And ONLY what you told me to do. And yet every request you ask for I manage to fulfill it, even though I was working super long hours. So whose fault was that? Just because things didn’t go your way, you have to blame it on her. To get the fact straight, she wasn’t always on my side. There are times that I’ve been blame for just being me. She did mention why you don’t want to see her. And that alone is still considered as my fault. I wasn’t even in the picture. Why must I be drag into it?

So maybe it’s my fault for locking you out. Didn’t meant to. But what you did, its far more than that. It’s not that I’m trying to pay back for what ever you did. That would be endless. I’ve learned to forgive but still not forget. I will be looked as a fool to let you trick me twice. Manage to put you back on track. From there, work your way up. You got 2 feet and a brilliant mind. Use it. Not to deceive people with your cunningness. But to make the best out of life. Its not always been a easy straight road for us too. Deal with it. No one can help those who don’t want to help themself.

Reason I was a bit down and out this couple of days. I am sorry for any whip lash and sarcastic ..

27 may 09

1 comment:

ina said...

yeah..the road isn't totally owez been straight....c'mon bro!!cheer up!! =)