Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dear God,

Please make me a better person. In a way that if I got angry or disappointed at somebody, that I wouldn’t let it go towards a third party or even beat myself up. Please remind me that having what I have right now is far more important and that I should be thankful with every breath I take, and the better health that I acquire….

That, this is adequate for me to carry on. And please remind me that all this is just temporary. All the beauty, power, wealth, strength and etc. That one day when it’s all gone, that I will come back to you.


Anonymous said...

Bila fikiran kita terganggu atau jiwa tidak tenteram, beristighfarlah....

"Sesiapa yang membiasakan beristighfar, maka Allah akan tunjukkan baginya satu jalan keluar dan pada setiap keraguan itu pula satu jalan untuk menenteramkan jiwa dan Dia mencurahkan rezeki dengan tidak terkira."

Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah itu luas...

simply j@a said...


thats why im going back to my roots. as it serves me well and took me higher and makes me calm. thanks again

Anonymous said...

InsyaAllah, moga dipermudahkan....