Saturday, January 17, 2009

skinny me?

Recently, for the first time in my life I was called skinny. Snapp…! What happened man..? am I really that thin…? May be cause of my height. i was born and raise large ok. its like my dream to be 1/2 of what i was before. . yeah i struggle with my weight all my schooling days. was given tons of name. arghhh..... how i wish i could ereased all those memories.

But now days, all my bowling kids said i am. yet i didnt listen.. then at work, one of the MC (Membership Consultant ) call me kurus. Then I look up to my current photos in MTBC web site. Argh hh…….sad to say I do look skinny…hrmmmm….

this is one of my old skool pic.. you judge your self..oh yeah, on the left hand side is my bro. told yah he is better looking than me. if im not mistaken this pic is taken 1998. new pic you can check out on the net. Need to buff up yall. No matter what I takes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jaa is skinny...
try to put some weight..
maybe it's good to see u a little bit 'berisi' hehe
nice pic bro... =p