Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nuku Experience

Team Kiara got the chance to train with dave recently. It feels so like the BLA edition. He was really informative, encouraging, details and also drove us to the floor when its application stuff. Never did get that much of workout in a day. But was really nice. Haven’t been working out that much with all the soft launch and leads dropping.

We had refresher of TRX and ViPR. Woaw, these two things are really hot in the market now days. People been talking and training with it quite often. The training really would help us for our fitness timetable and adding value in our training.

Then kettlebell and also Muay Thai coming up. manits gonna be awsome. flat out but still remains awsome. Thanks to dave for the experience and also the time and patients training us. Appreciate it very much

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