Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another Waterworks Production

I’m sure it’s a coincidence. As every year AJL (anugerah juara lagu) is on, we also be having a club launch outdoor nearby waterfall and such. This year seems to be the same thing happen. Enough bout that. Let me tell what happen this year around…

This year I’ve delegate tons off stuff to all the team member. So they felt that they own it. Congrats to the whole team that made it happen. Leading the way is Sarul as captain of the team. So this time around we know that he wont able to bail out as everyone is counting on his program.

Waited at mc d form 8am but Malaysia nyer janji sure lambat nyer. We left around 9.24am. Hoping that we got the place there fast as its first come first serve basis.. as we touch down came base 2 in Ulu Langat, we immediately unpacked and got ready to star up the base camp.

team hiburan brought a guitar to get get in the mood of santai and chill out. they can play the tunes but none of them know the lyrics to the full songs. lawak gak. then they got angry cuz they requested song but othersongs that is being played. edgar mention someting funny but tru. as he aid ' maner ader artist mintak audience request lagu aper. they wont be themself.

Team air was really2 so much effort being put. As I saw the new kid rizmal was stirring tea and milk by shaking the big 10 liter flask in a circular motion. Giler kener buli….

Ajk bakar was lead by sarul, awien and fahmy. The fire was bit slow this time around. As they didn’t get the head start. But every thing went well. We didn’t concentrate on the bbq like we alwys do, but instead more on the pot luck as everyone have a sense of responsibility.

team potong-potong was an impromt team put together by the guest that we didnt expect that much. but non the less they help

Some of us was having so much fun that someone took a leak at the nearest tree. Ouch, that was way gross. Saper larr tuh.. ish ish ishhh….

The games by ajk kelam-kabut (azim, edgar and amm) was really something. The score given was in millions each right answer to their question. The penalty for wrong answer were awarded a to the team. Team ehhem ehhem was the first to be tortured. They have to do the poco2 dance. ‘Team Jambu’ (my team) was the second as we had to hug a tree and kiss it for 15 second. Hahahh hope they don’t upload that one. FF question and also they got walking impersonation. That was fun and funny. But the team which stole the show was ‘team tak tahu’. All the sudden the last question was 13milion points. Macam kire duit rupiah lak ber juta-juta.

Ajk kedatangan (zana) manage to record down the attendance after all some of them left. Siap kene sing lagi tuh. Hahahhaha….. that was a laugh.

In between the bbq, launch and games, most of the team went for a dip in the river. Some even don’t want to go back home. Hanyut dibawa arus. Hahahaha….

Loving this club and the people around…
Thanks for your contributions, till next outing. Next juara lagu I suppose. Hahahhah….

All is well as DU is Sweet…

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