Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keepers of the GATE

as you should know, i travel a distant from where i live. to work, to hang out, to town. so wether i like it or not, i have to face tolls. it cause me a bunden but thats how i choose to live. any way people always ask me, y not u take touch and go or smart tag and such. ill simply say, cuz its a long way home. i need some interaction. even if it was with the tol gate team. they are still human. so why should i discriminate them. they are doing a good job anyway.

its funny some time when you meet some people often, you gather small2 info bout them. especially those kewl bros that love to strike a conversation tho theres a lot of ppl behind me, or to the girls that shocked and give creepy remarks like, 'balik sorang jer hari nieh?' (since when i go back with another person? crapp)... well anyway they are not badd people at all if you got to now them. especially when you go back late...

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